Everything seems easy this year. I wonder if I've finally got the groove?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I forgot to post from a month ago (practically) that I finished Pride and Prejudice. It was really good and it really was very similar to the movie. I was pleased that they were so close! It's hard to read but I would recommend it to others!
Today was better that awesome!
I led the iPhoto inservice after school. There were about 10 teachers there. I didn't take a count. I started with the basics of downloading pictures from your camera and importing from a disc. Then I went through some of the more advance features. Events, Faces, Places, etc. I even added in a little of the editing tools. I know that they needed a handout but I didn't have one. That's the only thing that kept it from being perfect. :D
I will probably do iMovie and iDVD next. Maybe I will get to iWeb before the end of the year!
Evan got all moved in to here room Sunday. The school remodeled her dorm this summer and now the rooms have less storage. She knew that lofting her bed would be an option and thought she would not want to do that but after getting there and seeing how much room it gave her. She decided to loft her bed. It's really high and she has to climb up to get in. So far she is ok with it but she's only been there 2 nights! Her room mate is from Uganda. Her name is Yvonne. How funny is that Evan and Yvonne. Anyway, she hasn't shown up yet and classes start tomorrow.
I'm working on my birthday calendar for school. I make and sell a birthday calendar to raise money for the computer lab. They seem to be selling pretty well. I just now have to finish entering all the birthdays and other information, run them off, and assemble them. I will be handing them out next Tuesday! I've got to stay late and type, type type!
I start with real computer lessons tomorrow. We've just been reviewing the rules and getting our seating chart fixed. Tomorrow I have to "know " what I'm doing!!! This is the beginning of my 5th year. I hope I have it by now!!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
First week of school down and now it's time to move Evan back to Evansville.
This week seemed to really fly by. We had a lot of technical difficulties this week and all the other things I talked about in my last post but all in all it was a productive week. I have a before school hall duty. It's funny to see the first graders come down the hall and not remember where their classroom is. So every morning I have to ask them who their teacher is and send them down the correct side of the circle. (Our building makes a big circle with the media center and computer lab in the middle.) Very cute and very funny! The saying is that first graders are just "left over" kindergartners and second graders are just "left over" first graders. They haven't got it all figured out yet. Which is a good thing. The kindergartners start coming on Monday. I probably won't have any classes of them until Friday. Which is also a good thing!
I truly like my job. I love working with the children and I love working with the adults. Of course, there are those few that make it a challenge (children and adults! :D)
I'm leading a short inservice about iPhoto this coming Tuesday. The teachers who are new and those who aren't so new need to know how the features in their 09 software work and I'm going to show them all at one time. I'm excited!!!
My living room looks like an explosion again. Of course, I know that by tomorrow night it will be all gone. Evan moves to school tomorrow. We are sorting out all here stuff and getting her ready for the school year. Fun, Fun, Fun!!!! Her roommate this year is from Uganda. Should be an interesting year to say the least. Evan is 5'2" and her roommate plays basketball so she's probably pretty tall. I can't wait to meet her!
LCC is gearing up for Liberty Fest again this year. It will be on Labor Day weekend. I'm not sure what I'm doing this year. For the last 3 years I have made lemon shake-ups but I'm not sure I'm up to the 10,000 we did last year! I would like to just enjoy the day but chances are I will be working somewhere!
It feels like fall today. The temperature this morning was in the 50's. Wow! pretty unusual for August. It will make moving Evan much nicer tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back to School!
Where does the time go? I posted about our trip to the zoo and then vacation was upon me and I haven't posted since. Sorry about that!
We left for the beach on the 9th and came home on the 14th. We had 3 full days on the beach and one half day. I could have stayed another week. I love the laid back, no rush of the beach. I like not getting in a hurry. I like getting up early and watching the sun rise across the beach. I like staying out on the beach until the sun dips in the west. I like the sand, the water, the sounds and the smell. Ok...I like it all!
DeWayne found a different place for us to stay this year. Same beach, Seagrove Bea

ch, but a different condo. We really liked it a lot. We will try to go there again. We stayed at The Palms.
Vacationing with Evan, Jackie and Angela is so much fun. They are a photo "op" waiting to happen. I took over 900 pictures! Of course, after I got home and started sorting them I deleted about 200 of them. But still, 700 pictures! CRAZY! I've already ordered my photo book.
We had planned to take family photos while we were there when we thought Dane and Jean were going with us. The girls had bought black dresses and the guys had black polos and khakis. Well, our family pics ended up being DeWayne and the 5 girls. It was fun to be dressed up in our black dresses on the sand.
School started Monday. The teachers had to be at work. We had children for a half day yesterday and today we had a full day (with 2 pm dismissal). I had classes today. We always start by going over the rules and I usually read them a story. I love the children at my school. They are so fun. Kindergarten, First and Second Graders seldom have a bad day! So when my days start bad, I know I can eventually be cheered up by a small person.
The wedding plans are coming along. I feel out of the loop since we've been gone and school has started.
Evan leaves for school on Sunday. We are moving her in to her dorm. She doesn't start class until Wednesday though.
Busy, Busy, Busy. Everyone is busy!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
What a fun day! Today is my niece's birthday. She is 7 today. My mom planned a trip for us to the Evansville Zoo. She planned a GREAT day. My sister came down from Olney and met us there. She brought her twins, Madison and Mallory, along with her oldest daughter Alayna. Alayna has two children, Will and Ally and they were also there. So altogether we had mom, Jim, Paige, Marsha, Madison, Mallory, Alayna, Will, Ally, Evan and me. Mom packed us a picnic lunch and made birthday cupcakes. We had a great morning exploring the zoo. And then we had a nice relaxing picnic lunch at one of the park shelters. I hadn't been to the Mesker Park Zoo since Dane and Evan were small. The zoo has become very nice and they are trying very hard to modernize it. Some of the exhibits were old and closed but the zoo backers seem to be working hard to get it up to date. We really enjoyed the Amazonia area. We explored it twice! Paige told us over and over that it was a "great birthday". That made me happy.
Dane called last night and he got called out on storm. He is in a town close the Bloomington, IN. They got to sleep last night before they started working today. So that's good. I haven't heard from him today. I'm anxious to hear how is day has gone.
I'm working on my school stuff. I have put off all summer sorting through all my papers and STUFF! I really do have several things that I need to do at school but I will do that on Monday when I go back to school. I am kind of feeling a little panic but I know it will all get done. Tomorrow I have to start pulling out things for Florida. We leave on Sunday. I think I have all my groceries. I just have to do all the laundry and get it ready to go. We have internet at our condo so I will be able to post while we are on vacation. AWWWW...VACATION! I am soooo ready!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Well, once again I let a project consume me. LOL!
I volunteered to make the wedding video. So I've looked at pictures once again. After my quiet time this morning, I didn't even leave the office. I just rolled my chair over to the picture cabinets and started looking and picking pictures of Dane. (This is after I had pulled about 35 pictures off the external hard drive last night and not going to bed until after 11) I started at about 8:30 and at about 10:30 I looked up. I had pulled about 60 pictures. I know this was too many so I woke Evan up and had her help me pick and choose. My song is about 4.5 minutes so I knew about how many pictures I needed of Dane, of Jean and of them together. Jean's pictures were a little trickier. Her family's home burned when she was in college so there really aren't a lot of pictures of her when when she was little. (Of course, she is child #4 and sometimes that says alot about how many pictures there are of a child! :D) So I have worked on the movie all day and I think I have the first cut finished. It needs the bride and the groom's approval and we'll see!
DeWayne went kayaking yesterday because it had rained about 2 inches. Today he went rock climbing. Tomorrow we are hosting a kayak rolling party. We are X-treme Sports!!!
The wedding plans are coming along. Sometimes they consume me too! If we could find a location for the reception it would all be grand!
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