It's turned out to be a lovely evening. It started out as a very dark, very rainy Tuesday. It's still kind of chilly though. Those 70 degree days really make me forget that it is really still March. Of course, tomorrow, it will be April. My goodness how time flies! But it is not supposed to be very warm for the next two weeks. Of course, it's going to be chilly; next week is our Spring Break. Oh well, there's always summer to play outside.
DeWayne is on midnights this week. I love it when he's on this shift because he always has supper ready or almost finished when I get home from working out. All I have to do is sit down and eat. It's nice not to have to get home and then try to figure out what to fix for us to eat. He's a good guy, I think I'll keep him. :D
I'm really looking forward to being off next week. I'm going to paint the downstairs bathroom and clean my laundry room. That's my goal anyway. I also want to go to Evansville and hang out with Evan one day. Probably on Tuesday because she only has one class. Not sure yet. I'm also looking forward to sleeping past 5:30 a.m.
One of my friends at school asked my when I was going to blog again. I didn't even know she was reading. You know who you are and thanks for keeping up with all my randomness. :D
More later this week.
Actually, I have one class on Tuesday, but I work from 3-4. So how about Thursday? I have one class and I work before that class, which means I'm done at noon.