Friday, May 15, 2009

Just a quick note to let you all know that I haven't completely disappeared. :D  

It's the time of the year that every week has been "one of those weeks."  The weather has been crazy. I have a lot of things to accomplish at work and it seems like not enough hours. And I have a lot I want to get accomplished here at home. So, it's really one of those months. 

Evan had been slowly going through her stuff this week. I can see a path in the living room. And I can see the floor in her room. Hopefully we'll spend a little more time working on it tomorrow. 

I'm ready to dig a little deeper and post something that actually has purpose. :D

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it, don't you LOVE how Virginia shows up in our children's lives!?!?!:)--Holly isn't eve here officially yet, and there's only a path in room she'll sleep in, and a couple of maze-type paths through the basement! --I'm thinking storage shed, a match, or Salvation Army!:)--May is a crazy month--don't fret--June will be herer soon!--Yay! Swimsuit season!

