That is my big sigh of relief. The wedding is over...let the marriage begin!
After a few stressful moments, the wedding was beautiful and very tender. My big boy Dane got married. Married? Yes married! And yes, he cried when he saw Jean walking down the aisle with her dad. Of course, she was crying too. (It's kind of funny because they had spent the whole morning taking pictures together but seeing her coming down the aisle with her dad was different.)
I sat back and let my friends and family serve me this weekend. I have such a wonderful support system. It takes my breath away and amazes me. God is faithful and VERY good. My good friend Mel sought me out Saturday morning while I was getting dressed (in my secret bathroom at church) and prayed for me and over the day. It calmed my whole spirit. I love her. Her son James is one of Dane's best friends and he was in the wedding. They are so much a part of our family.
The reception was wonderful too. We danced and danced! Even my mom and dad chicken danced and hokey pokied and did the YMCA. They did it all. I laughed and laughed and it was all good. Of course, the big question is the Hokey Pokey REALLY what it's all about? LOL
DeWayne and I are taking the tuxes back to Paducah today so I took the day off. Time to get moving. More later...along with a few pictures!
So glad it went well. Can't wait for the pictures! :)