Day 7 of 350
Well, here is the snow picture I promised. It's shot while I was standing at my front door. I did open the door and stick my head out and that's about it! I am not one to walk around outside when its really cold. That was right after the snow quit and the sun poked out for behind the clouds for about 15 minutes. It was really pretty reflecting off the woods.
Today it's FREEZING!!! The temperature is hovering in at about 10. BRRRR! I like the 24 degrees and snow way more than 4 and frigid!
I'm keeping my camera close today. You never know when the deer are going to stick their heads out of the woods. :D
I also need to keep reminding myself what each button on my camera does. (I really think I will be 70 and still wondering what some of the buttons do on my camera!)
DeWayne is working a lot of overtime right now. The "no-show" guy has started being a no-show again so everyone else has to pick up the slack. He has promised to help me take the pictures at the wedding. Those will probably be his first days off! He has a good eye and seeing details that I sometimes miss! I like it when he helps me!
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