Sunday, February 15, 2009

Quiet Sunday

It's a quiet day again. They seem to be the norm. Evan just left to go back to school. DeWayne is at work (working a fill-in 2nd shift) and Dane is still in Missouri. It's not going to be a quiet week though, DeWayne's grandpa passed away early Saturday morning so there will be a lot of activity this week. 
Grandpa Hal was a good man who worked hard all his life. He would have been 97 on his birthday in May. Everyone in Raleigh knew him because he was the Raleigh road commissioner and also because he was related to almost everyone. :D  I will miss his smile the most. It always reached his eyes. 
Tuesday I will drive down to get Dane unless they finish up in Hayti first. He is very ready to be home and sleep in his own bed!

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. Happy 28th Anniversary of mine and DeWayne's first date!!! Our first date was on a Saturday too. Evan came home for the weekend to go to see "Sabrina Fair" with us in Marion. We went shopping in Carbondale and Marion before the play. DeWayne LOVES to shop! Not really, he's just a good sport! I found a few things at Old Navy and GAP. I also found two really good books at Barnes & Noble (big surprise).

I finished The Year of Living Biblically. I liked it and it made me laugh but I was a little disappointed that he didn't seem to make a permanent change. He skirted "relationship" with God but he didn't get any closer. It made me sad for him that he might not ever know Jesus and eternal life. Maybe his Bible reading will continue to sink in to him. Maybe just the right person will send him an email explaining more to him. I can only pray for that. I did buy A.J. Jacobs first book - The Know-it All. This book is a retelling about how he read the encyclopedia from A to Z. It's probably really funny too. I'll keep you posted.

More good stuff this week in INDEED:
"What does it really mean to love God?
Not theology - ask a Sadducee
Not work - ask a Pharisee
Not emotions - ask a Zealot
So how do I love God? I lie at His feet and tell Him I am His. I seek to honor Him in all I do. I want to be like Him. I crave His fellowship. I pray His desires. I am consumed with His ways, His works, and His will. The theology, the works, and the feeling will come. They are good but only after devotion. Love always comes first."  2-13-09
1 John 4:19
We love Him because He first loved us.
"God doesn't accept me because of the way I am, He accepts me because of the way Jesus is. And what He asks of me is that I carry a cross that no one else sees. No one else realizes how much effort it may take for me to be kind to others, to extend hospitality or simply to do the right thing. My need keeps me close to the cross. Even though we commit the most heinous of sins, His desire is that we will suffer and repent. He is such a mystery to me, but I am compelled to keep looking, keep listening, keep struggling, keep confessing what I see in myself and keep rejoicing in what I see in Him. God is much more interested in what we choose to struggle with than what we choose to live with. It's the struggle with our sin that keeps us dependent on His forgiveness, not the things that we decided to accept and move on with." 2-14-09

I love cooking breakfast on Sunday mornings for the kids. It is probably one of the highest points of my week, every week. This morning we cooked over 10 dozen eggs, several pounds of bacon and 5 loaves of bread for french toast. It was so good. We fed a whole lot of people, not just transportation kids. Breakfast is so good everyone wants to eat! DeWayne got to help today. I love it when he's there. He washes the dishes for us!

Thankful List:
1. Little Chapel Church
2. Beautiful sunshine
3. clean drinking water
4. whoever invented pizza
5. books

I better finish up for now, it's getting really long. :D

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