Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Very Long Week

Every time we have a short week followed by a full week of school, it seems like the week lasts forever. Tomorrow is Friday and I thought it was Wednesday all day. Talk about confused! I am very happy that tomorrow is Friday (and it's payday!). What more could I ask for? Well, DeWayne is off and the DirecTV guy is supposed to be here tomorrow. Those are two more good things. 

Thankful list:
1.InDeed Devotion book
2.our dog Brody
3.the dishwasher
4.our digital cameras MacBook

Today's devotion in InDeed was great. I could retype the whole thing for you here but it would probably be really long. The verses are from Philippians 1:12-26.
 A few of the good quotes:
"In both ministry and life, Paul's concern was the gospel and the name of Jesus."
"We assume that God's goal for us is survival, and that He has teamed up with us to ensure a happy, healthy life. But God's definitions of happiness and health are far removed from ours. While we are busy about surviving and maybe even accomplishing something for ourselves or our loved ones - or even our Lord - God has a change of heart in store for us. This life we're living isn't about us; it's about Him. We're not to be preoccupied with our survival. We're to be preoccupied with His reputation in this world. The name of Jesus should be the food we eat and the air we breath."
"This leads us into a glorious freedom. We no longer need to obsess about our work, our children, our lifestyle, or our image. We can obsess about His name and let Him take care of the rest. It doesn't mean we don't care about the other things; it means that if we concern ourselves entirely with His mission, He concerns Himself entirely with our needs. There's no simpler, freer way to live."
That's good stuff. It truly spoke to my heart this morning. In all things, in all ways, I must be building up Jesus' reputation in this world. The way I look reflects Jesus. If I am trying to be self-sufficient in all ways, I am not a great example of Jesus' provision. We serve an amazing and awesome God. Give Him the chance to show you how GREAT He can be!

The ice and snow are staying around for awhile this time. Probably because the temperatures have not been above freezing except for 1 day. There is still snow and ice covering the ground and I STILL have about 3 inches of ice on the driveway. I don't mind the snow but I really don't care much for the ice. Oh well, after it rains this weekend while it's in the 50's the ice should just about be gone. (I hope!)

I'm going to try to scan more pictures tonight. I haven't added any new things to the Whitlock Memories page since Monday. I look at it at school like some little picture fairy is going to come and add pictures while I'm at there. No, just me and I need to do that tonight. So I better sign off!!
More later-

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