Monday, January 26, 2009

Come on Snow Day!

Is it really Monday already? I think I was in a fog all weekend with this cold. I feel so much better. I just have the nighttime cough. Go away! Go Away!!! I don't want it anymore. 

Well, looks like snow. I'm not sure there was talk of much else but snow at my school today. I take that back. There is still much talk about the principal change that I mentioned before. A group of our teachers met with our superintendent to go over our feelings on the move. Everyone in our building is in agreement; we need Scott in our building. He is the only male figure some of children see. (31% of our children are from mother only families) He's loving and nurturing to these children. He's firm and in control. West Side School needs Scott Dewar as the principal! Our next move is to go to the School Board. That won't be until Feb. 17. Much can happen between now and then. God can change plans and minds! 

Back to the snow - I am hoping for a snow day tomorrow and I will take one for Wednesday too. :D Dane's hoping for ice so he can go on storm duty. He liked that money. 

Evan had a tragedy over the weekend. Her goldfish, Franscisco, died. :( She also lost all her important cards - her driver's license, her debit cards, her school i.d. and some gift cards. Along with her keys to her dorm room and her car key. (You can read all about this in her blog -"the blog".) She has everything replaced but her driver's license and the gift cards. It just makes me wonder where are all the honest people in the world and why aren't they following my child around? If seems like a tragedy but I am just thankful for the fact that she's not hurt and it's replaceable stuff!

LeeAnn Steed left this quote on Caring Bridge the other day and I love it:
"Who declares what is normal and how to act at any particular age? Maybe we are normal and acting our age and the rest of the world is not." That is so fitting for me. :D

I posted a "Note" on Facebook called 25 Random things about me. This was fun. Since this blog is all about randomness I found the note pretty easy. I didn't take it too seriously!!! I wrote about some pretty silly stuff.

I found a site called "Scrapblog". It's a site that let's me make scrapbook pages online. I can print them or have them made in to a book. I can also embed them in to this blog. If there is no school tomorow, I think I will investigate this more. I am really wanting to do something with old pictures of our family and add stories about the pictures. 

Gotta find out who "The Bachelor" sends home tonight!



  1. Oh,my, 'the Bachelor'...hilarious! Sorry about the fish...didn't get that part of the story! Let me know how teh 'scrapblog' goes...I'm curious!

  2. Check out this site. I think it's going to work better that Scrapblog

