It seems like every Sunday I reflect on the day at church. I guess that's alright. Jeff has been talking about righteousness and this week he started talking about justice with that. He is using the scripture Psalm 89:14 "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; faithful love and truth go before You." He's encouraging us to read The Word and live by The Word this year. I had already made the commitment to read through the Bible this year so I feel like my commitment has been confirmed. (If you are looking for a place online to read the Bible this is a great site: The Bible tells me how to live in righteousness and holiness and how God's justice will work; but there are passages and stories that sometimes don't make sense in how some disobedient people were dealt with. The prodigal son - did he receive justice from his dad; no he received mercy. What about the parable of the vineyard workers who were all paid the same amount and didn't work the same amount of hours. Did the ones who worked the longest get justice? These are those questions that make me see that my human nature makes me want to be apathetic and wait until the last minute to do good or to walk right. I think to myself that I have all the time in the world to be obedient to Christ and the Word. You know - I'll pray more - tomorrow. I'll read my Bible more - tomorrow. I'll help the poor more - tomorrow. I'll serve more - tomorrow. I'll be the best Christian ever - tomorrow. I've pondered this question before and I still don't have all the answers. I really don't expect to have the answers until Heaven. I'm very thankful that mercy is a part of the total equation too. Some of the other points that Jeff brought out this morning were that justice sets boundaries of what God tells us to be obedient to and when there's been willful disobedience I will receive the justice of that disobedience. That's a huge problem in our society. We want no consequences for our disobedient actions; but we will all stand in judgement before God and He is a just God. So since this judgement is coming I need to choose to adhere to the Word of the Lord. I'm excited about this. I want to share this so that others will see and be excited too. One other thing - Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven." I get really caught in "knowing the will of God". Well, this morning while Jeff was preaching, I realized that God's will is obedience to whatever His Word says and whatever He tells or leads me to do. Enough said!
I started book 2 of the Karen Kingsbury Sunrise Series. I only have 2 more then I think I am finished reading about the Baxter family for awhile. It's like they are real!!! It's that mind chewing gum. I don't have to think too much when I read these books. It's just for pleasure.
Dane and Evan have both been home this weekend. The three of us went to Marion and Carbondale yesterday. Gap is having a great sale on their clearance!!! We had a good time. I like hanging out with my kids now that they are adults. Then all four of us went to Peking Palace to eat an early supper last night. Good times! Dane's getting ready to head back to Cape Girardeau for his work week and Evan will go back to school tomorrow. So it will be just me and DeWayne again! I like hanging out with him too. :)
I Skyped my mom yesterday. It was good to see her face. She was talking about going to the Flea Market and getting fresh fruits and vegetables. Hope she brings some back in March!
I better wrap this up, it's getting long and I might want to say something tomorrow!
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