I had a great visit with Evan this weekend. She brought me a cold. I feel horrible. My nose is runny and I just feel bad. I had to search out tissues with lotion in them because my nose hurt so much from wiping it. Ouch!!! I feel that tickle in my throat and chest so I know the next phase is the coughing. That's the part I really hate the most about a cold. When you cough and cough and can't stop. It always happens at night. Maybe I'll skip that part. :D
I'm not going to dwell on it, but our school board has decided to move our principal from our building to East Side and we get their principal next year. :( So today was NOT a happy day in the neighborhood. I work in a building with @50 women and 1 man (not including our 3 male janitors) and for that many women we all get along and we like to go to work everyday. Let's just say I "have some concerns" about how this is all going to play out. I have told myself all day long that worry will not change anything. Prayer can change it though!
I watched the inauguration yesterday. Actually I had it on live feed from Fox News on the big screen in the computer lab so the 2nd grade class I had at that time watched it too. For all the pomp and circumstance it sure didn't last very long. President Obama said his oath in 23 seconds. All that money for 23 seconds of coverage. The walking in of all the former presidents took an hour. :) I hope the kids all remember the ceremony. With every president that is sworn in, it is a day of history!
I finished the last Baxter family book in The Sunrise Series. I finished book 2 on Monday morning. I haven't cried that hard reading a book in a long time. I have read all 14 Karen Kingsbury books that are about the Baxter's. They truly seem like real people the way she writes about their lives. Now I need to reread parts of The Shack and review my notes to get ready for book club next week.
I found directions for a T-shirt quilt. Evan has many, many t-shirts from soccer, cheerleading, key club, etc. that she wants made in to a quilt. I think we might be able to do this together. I don't sew, but I can read directions so maybe we can pull it off. I'll keep you posted!
DeWayne replaced the hard drive in my G5 computer. It had crashed before Christmas. I lost all the music I had downloaded (to this computer) and I lost a few pictures. I had backed up most of them on my external hard drive early in the fall. The pictures I did lose, maybe I won't miss! I'm just glad to have 2 working computers again. DeWayne and I were starting to overlap using the laptop. (We don't share well. Ha!!)
I'm still caught up on reading through the Bible. In the past it seems I have not made reading a priority and I have fallen behind very quickly. Not this time. I am excited about reading! Of course, I'm still in Genesis and those wonderful stories. I haven't hit the "begats" yet. :P
Time to quit for tonight. More tomorrow -
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