Monday, May 11, 2009

Just Another Monday

I am truly sorry that I haven't posted in over a week. Last week was one drama after another! I went to St. Louis to an iLife 09 Summit. It was awesome, great, and quite overwelming. A lot of information was given to me in 7 hours time. 
I took Friday off for Evan's birthday and we went to O'Charley's in Marion to eat lunch. After lunch Evan, Jackie and I went to Carbondale's mall to shop. It had rained like crazy while we were eating but as soon as we got to Carbondale it started raining again. It didn't just rain though. There was a tornado (actually an inland hurricane {whatever that is}). We had to sit for about an hour in the tornado hallway at the mall. We could hear the roof rumbling and the walls were a little shaky. I wasn't too scared just concerned about getting home and the kids at school who were probably getting ready to go home for the day. After we got to leave our little hallway we were hoping and praying that our car was not covered in debris. Thankfully it wasn't but there was a lot of stuff all over the parking lot. There was obviously no power in Carbondale so the stop lights were a trick. After we left Carbondale, there was power until we got to the airport. Then from the airport to the east side of Marion it took almost 2 hours. UGH!!! The damage was unbelievable. I wish I had had my camera. By the time I saw the semi turned over on the highway about 5 miles from home, "I JUST WANTED TO BE HOME!!!" We had no damage to our home. Only one tree down and the gas grill blown off the deck. Thank you Jesus!
Saturday Dane and Evan and I worked on cleaning out their rooms and sorting out stuff. The throw away, give away, and sell piles are huge. Evan and Jackie are going to have a yard sale in 2 weeks. So yay!

Mother's Day was grand. Saturday evening we went to my sister's and had graduation and mother's day celebrations. It was great to all be together! Sunday Dane and Evan went early to church with me to cook breakfast. Dane bought Evan and I a Wii and a Wii Fit. So we played and made fun of each other all evening. :D

I will update more later.

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