Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hadn't really planned on writing every day this week but it had just worked out. 

It's Saturday and it's quiet here. DeWayne started day shift today so he left at 4 a.m. Evan is still in bed of course. And Dane is still in Missouri. It doesn't seem that long ago that Saturday morning was the loudest day of all at our house. Even when Dane was barely old enough to talk he was always the first one up yelling for "Bwekfust" My kids have always been ABC cartoon fans. So as soon as they were on they hit the TV. Until Dane was 10 he took a breathing treatment for his asthma after breakfast. So, the nebulizer, the TV, Evan playing and just the general house activities made for a very noisy Saturday morning. I thought it would last forever. Boy, was I wrong. If you have small children and they get up early don't be discouraged. They will one day be teenagers and will sleep until noon on Saturdays. All the noise in the world can not rouse them from bed. :D

I'm on my second cup of coffee so it's going to be a hyper day!  Speaking of coffee. I got a new coffee make yesterday. I was using a coffee maker that Dane got last year for Christmas. His coffee maker not only makes coffee; it's also an espresso maker. (I have never used this feature!) So there was nothing wrong with his coffee maker. I just, being the spoiled baby I am, wanted the one that makes coffee and dispenses it one cup at a time. It brews up to 12 cups, it has no pot, it has an automatic shut off and a timer, and it dispenses coffee like I'm at Hucks :). The automatic shut off and the timer were 2 of the top selling points for me. I can have coffee ready at 6 a.m. when I'm ready for breakfast! Dane can take his coffee maker to Cape if he wants and I won't feel guilty about using his all the time.   
I only started drinking coffee in 2005. I've always loved the smell but could never get the taste thing. I like it with alot of sugar and Hazelnut creamer. My sister says I'm not a purist. She drinks hers black. She's a lot tougher that I am too. :D I would love to someday own a Coffee Shop. That was my greatest dream in 2004. I think that's one of the reasons that I started liking coffee. If I was going to sell something I better like it. haha! I've let the coffee shop idea go for now. Maybe someday I can just be a barrista at a Starbuck's. I could have all the fun of making the drinks and not have the hassle with owning the business. Sounds good to me!

The DirecTV guy didn't show up Thursday so I don't have 120 channels to choose from yet. He rescheduled for the 6th. That gives me two more weeks to prepare for the onslaught of channels!!! Remember I said he was supposed to be here between 8 a.m. and noon. Well, at 11:30 the DirecTV people called and said they needed to reschedule. I know it was snowing but give me a break. I'm sure that they knew they weren't coming at 8 a.m. why not make the call first thing. We didn't go anywhere until later in the afternoon but what if we had wanted to. Why wait until 30 minutes before they said they might be here? I don't understand. This is why I work at a school and follow their lead. 

School - Yes I think we go back on Monday. The weather forecast shows snow for Tuesday and Wednesday. I like snow days but I think we have had enough. The kids are never going to get back in the groove of learning if we don't have class. But then again, I don't want to have to slide to and from work. 

DeWayne and I went to LCC and saw Fireproof last night. They showed it on the big screens in the church. There were probably 500 people there. It was very well made and I liked it alot. I would recommend it to anyone who is having trouble with their marriage or even just struggling. As married people we let the world influence how we treat our spouses and what our responses are to them.  Selfishness has to be gone when you want your relationship to work. It's not "all about me" anymore. It's "all about us". I loved the salt and pepper demonstration. I'm not going to tell about it in case you haven't seen the movie yet. Rent it or better yet, buy it, watch it and pass it around to your friends! I'll talk more about it another day.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Fabulous Friday

Well, since I wrote yesterday some historical moments passed. The state of Illinois has a new governor because our house and senate voted to impeach Mr. Blagojevich. All I can say is Yay! and way to not buckle to old boy politics. Our new governor is Pat Quinn. I know absolutely nothing about him. Guess it's time to do a google search and see what he stands for. DeWayne and I watched the senate vote on a live feed on Fox News. I love the internet. 

I also got out the house yesterday afternoon and went to McLeansboro to get a license sticker for my mom. We drove about 45 minutes and it took us less than 10 minutes to get an address change and a new sticker. Why can't our local Driver's License Facility be so prompt, courteous and able to take of our business. The last time I needed anything at the Harrisburg facility I waited about 45 minutes to be told that I was in the wrong line. I think Satan inhabits the Harrisburg office and that antagonizing the public is in their job description.  DeWayne and Evan are going there this afternoon to get a replacement for her lost driver's license. While we were in McLeansboro we went to Dairy Queen and had ice cream cones. Not a very busy place yesterday, no big surprise since it's so cold. 

This morning I got out again and went to the dentist for my annual teeth cleaning. No cavities!! I love the feel of freshly polished teeth. 
After the dentist DeWayne and I went to Wal Mart, Kroger, and Aldi. Grocery shopping is one of DeWayne's favorite things to do. :D He's a good sport. The world can go on because we have milk and toilet paper. :D

Evan called and she's coming home today. Maybe for the weekend, I don't know. I'll know more when she gets here. 

The sun was out this morning and the way it was shining through the ice on the tree branches was beautiful. Everything looked like it was made of glass. I love the way the snow is still clinging to the trees. The look like they have been spray painted white. The ice and snow aren't going anywhere quickly here. The streets in Harrisburg were half cleared and half still covered in inches of ice. 

I talked to Dane last night. He was able to take a hot shower because they hooked a generator up to his hotel. There are about 30,000 people without power where he is working in Missouri. The linemen who worked "Katrina" said that this ice storm looked worse. Dane said there are more power poles on the ground than standing. It will be many weeks before electricity is restored to that area. He thinks he will be there for about a month. He was a little concerned about his camper that he lives in in Cape. DeWayne will go check on it next week if Dane's not back. Got to keep the heat on so it doesn't freeze.

Little Chapel is showing the movie Fire Proof tonight. I haven't seen it but I've heard great things about it.  When the preview was shone this quote really stuck in my head. "Fire proof (in a marriage) doesn't mean the fire won't come - It means it can withstand the fire." As long as we are on this earth there will be attacks on my marriage. Some are subtle and some are very blatant. I have to be ready and withstand the heat. DeWayne and I have weathered many storms and many fire storm attacks. I can trust the past and believe the outcomes of past confrontations but I have to be ready for the now and the future. I cannot grow complacent in my desire to see our marriage stand firm. I think this makes sense. I know what I want to say but I'm not sure it's coming out right. Oh well!
The last count they showed over 250 people signed up to be there to watch it. Should be a fun night! Movie night at LCC. Yay!
I'll let you know how the movie was.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday, I think

I've lost track of the days because I haven't been out of my house since Monday evening. Thursday, I'm pretty sure it's Thursday. (Grey's Anatomy tonight!) I also don't have to work tomorrow. They went ahead and called school off at 5 p.m. last night for the rest of the week. The way the sky looks, I'm surprised it's not snowing. It's very gray. It's keeping the snow on the tree branches and that is a beautiful sight.

The downside of the snow is that Book Club is cancelled until next month. So I have to wait another month to discuss The Shack with my friends. This gives me 30 more days to find a book that we can read for the next time. I'm sad that we are not getting together but I'm glad not to have to get out.

I love Skype. I think that Skype and Hulu are two of the best free things on the internet. I got to see and talk to my mom this morning through Skype. (I got to see Jim too.) They were getting ready to take a line dancing class. :D We used to line dance at J.R. Country Theater. (Mid-90's) It was a very fun time. Back to Hulu - I watched The Partridge Family and an old Jennifer Aniston Movie last Saturday with only about 5 minutes of commercials. It's fabulous. DeWayne found it and shared it with me. 

Today's the day that I get TV back in my house. :D The DirecTV guy is supposed to be here today to put in our satellite TV. Of course, with the weather he might not show. I love their schedule time - "we will be there between 8 a.m. and noon" OK that's broad! Hurry up and wait! Story of my life. So maybe I'll have 120 channels tonight and maybe I won't. I'll let you know!

I've been working on "The Whitlock Memories" pages. I think I'm ready to link to it from here. It's still under construction. As long as I'm alive, I think it will be under construction. :-)
Tell me what you think - try it yourself. It really is easy. I really am enjoying sorting through pictures, scanning them, and then uploading them to the site and then writing a little blurb about them. I hope it brings you joy too. :D

Our dog, Brody, does not like dog food. Every morning he sits by the back door and waits for me to feed him. So I give him two milk bones and a dish full of dog food. He eats the bones and sniffs at the food. He then looks at me with the expression - Is this all you've got? So, since the snow I've been sitting here at my dining room table watching the cardinals eat his food. The cardinals are beautiful and they are getting used to our movements in the house. It seems today that  we are feeding the wrens too. Oh well, at least the food is not going to waste! 

Well, I better get to the major decisions of the day. Like "What's for lunch?" and "What movie do I want to watch?" and "What pictures am I going to scan today?"

Remember- "The first sip is the best!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day Again

Yes, one more snow day. This is #3. Two more and then we start adding days to our school calendar. I'm not sure we will go again tomorrow. There's several inches of ice as a base and about 4 inches of snow on top. And the temperature is only supposed to be 20; so probably not. 

Yesterday I spent the majority of the day sorting through a couple of picture boxes of old pictures mostly of the Sisk Family. There were several pictures of my mom. Her hair!!! Let's just say that she rivaled the Tower of Babel. How tall can it go? :D I bet in one picture her hair was piled about 10 inches on her head. I remember going to the beauty shop with her. She had a standing appointment for Thursdays I think. I probably have lung damage from all the hair spray I breathed in that place. :D I also can't imagine not washing my hair for a week and just spraying on more hair spray to keep it in place. Oh well, gotta love the late 60's and early 70's.

It's very pretty outside. The trees have a layer of ice and snow and the ground is covered with snow. The sun is popping out every now and then and shining through the ice and snow. It makes me want to go outside and take pictures. I stuck my head out and took a few from the doorway but I'm not sure I want to brace the 16 degrees. BRRRR!! Maybe closer to lunch or later on this afternoon. 

I talked to my mom last night. They were wearing short sleeves and were"complaining" about having to buy more shorts and short sleeve shirts. Awwww, too bad! I'm glad they are there and not here and that they are having a good time.

I guess I will start scanning the pictures that I want to post online at Whitlock Memories today. Scanning is tedious work. Each picture has to scanned, named and saved. Once I get started it won't seem so long. :D

My verse yesterday was: Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.
I love this. I have been so worried about the fight to keep Scott at West Side and who would lead the charge and would it be effective that I forgot this truth. As long as we let God lead the way, we only have to be still and let him. He is the perfect warrior and conqueror! This is why my hope is in him.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day #2

Yes, it was official last night at 6:30, Snow Day #2. Let the fun begin. It makes me a little nostalgic because it's just me and DeWayne. No kids who are excited about the snow and no school. As a matter of fact, Evan had classes today. She was not happy. :( But at least I don't have to go outside and "play" in the snow. :D

My friends on Facebook are passing on their "Notes" 25 Random Things About Me. I am having a great time reading funny things about all my friends. Mine was easy seeing that my mind never leaves random. :D 

After posting last night I googled scrapbook, keepsake, blogs and I came up with Sutterflies memory pages. I started a Whitlock Memories page to post old and new pictures of our family. I am excited about this. I started sorting through the boxes of old pictures of my family and DeWayne's family and our family. I love pictures and the stories they hold. I know I can't live in the past but I just want to preserve that memory and share it. I know, I know just one more project and one more connection to technology. Yikes! I'll post the link when I have it closer to what I want. 

I have all day so I might post twice today. DeWayne has to go to work so I've got to fix some lunch. (you know, be the good wife :D)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Come on Snow Day!

Is it really Monday already? I think I was in a fog all weekend with this cold. I feel so much better. I just have the nighttime cough. Go away! Go Away!!! I don't want it anymore. 

Well, looks like snow. I'm not sure there was talk of much else but snow at my school today. I take that back. There is still much talk about the principal change that I mentioned before. A group of our teachers met with our superintendent to go over our feelings on the move. Everyone in our building is in agreement; we need Scott in our building. He is the only male figure some of children see. (31% of our children are from mother only families) He's loving and nurturing to these children. He's firm and in control. West Side School needs Scott Dewar as the principal! Our next move is to go to the School Board. That won't be until Feb. 17. Much can happen between now and then. God can change plans and minds! 

Back to the snow - I am hoping for a snow day tomorrow and I will take one for Wednesday too. :D Dane's hoping for ice so he can go on storm duty. He liked that money. 

Evan had a tragedy over the weekend. Her goldfish, Franscisco, died. :( She also lost all her important cards - her driver's license, her debit cards, her school i.d. and some gift cards. Along with her keys to her dorm room and her car key. (You can read all about this in her blog -"the blog".) She has everything replaced but her driver's license and the gift cards. It just makes me wonder where are all the honest people in the world and why aren't they following my child around? If seems like a tragedy but I am just thankful for the fact that she's not hurt and it's replaceable stuff!

LeeAnn Steed left this quote on Caring Bridge the other day and I love it:
"Who declares what is normal and how to act at any particular age? Maybe we are normal and acting our age and the rest of the world is not." That is so fitting for me. :D

I posted a "Note" on Facebook called 25 Random things about me. This was fun. Since this blog is all about randomness I found the note pretty easy. I didn't take it too seriously!!! I wrote about some pretty silly stuff.

I found a site called "Scrapblog". It's a site that let's me make scrapbook pages online. I can print them or have them made in to a book. I can also embed them in to this blog. If there is no school tomorow, I think I will investigate this more. I am really wanting to do something with old pictures of our family and add stories about the pictures. 

Gotta find out who "The Bachelor" sends home tonight!


Friday, January 23, 2009

It's the weekend!!! Yeah! I have felt so bad with this cold all week all I want to do is go to bed and sleep. The coughing has started just like I predicted. YUCK! Maybe it will go away fast.

It's the season of inservices in my school district. Yesterday we had an inservice on Podcasting. All I can say is "Wow!" It was the most informative inservice I have attended in awhile. An Apple representative presented. I now have more techie knowledge flowing through my  brain. The media teacher and I are going to do a mini-inservice for our teachers in our building in a week. I can't wait to share. The kids are going to love doing this. Podcasting is really not that hard. It just takes a little planning. With Mac computers; Garage Band is already built in, and  iPhoto is already built in. So all you have to do is put it together. Very cool!!! I'll let you know how it all turns out!

I read some really good stuff in my devotional InDeed this week. On the 19th - "God wants me to love because He is love. He wants me to be pure because He is pure. He wants me to forgive because He has forgiven. He wants me to give because He has given. Everything I do should be done with one question in mind: Does this look like my Father?" 
Ephesians 5:1-2 "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God"
And today - "When God calls, do I say 'Here I am'? Probably so. But here's a deeper question: How do I say it? Let my response flow from a loving, reverential faith in my Provider. Trust Him. His loving command is an invitation to love Him in return."
And this quote - "Love of God and obedience to God are so completely involved in each other that either one of them implies the other too." F.F. Bruce   

It's been spring-like yesterday and today. DeWayne actually went bouldering yesterday. He's itching to go climbing. He's going to have to find a new climbing partner for the Spring. Drake is in Colorado. Lee's in Colorado. Dane is gone all week. Evan is gone to school. Chris is in school. He's going to have to start teaching a new friend to climb! He's been trying to convince me I need to start rock climbing. I don't think so. Maybe I will learn to belay but not climb. I like taking pictures. :D

I started another book - The Year of Living Biblically. What a humorous book. I've only read about 50 pages but it is already very good. It's about a guy who decides to live out the Bible laws literally. So he's not shaving and he's trying very hard to adhere to the Old Testament  and New Testament laws or commands. His efforts for the year are recorded in this book. I'm in month number 2. So far I would recommend it as a good read. I will keep you posted about this book too. :)

Now I'm ready to relax for the rest of the evening!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Interesting Week

Well, it's Wednesday again. I know I've said it before, but it amazes me how fast days go by. But then again,  Sunday seems like a really long time ago instead of 3 days. 

I had a great visit with Evan this weekend. She brought me a cold. I feel horrible. My nose is runny and I just feel bad. I had to search out tissues with lotion in them because my nose hurt so much from wiping it. Ouch!!! I feel that tickle in my throat and chest so I know the next phase is the coughing. That's the part I really hate the most about a cold. When you cough and cough and can't stop. It always happens at night. Maybe I'll skip that part. :D

I'm not going to dwell on it, but our school board has decided to move our principal from our building to East Side and we get their principal next year. :( So today was NOT a happy day in the neighborhood. I work in a building with @50 women and 1 man (not including our 3 male janitors) and for that many women we all get along and we like to go to work everyday. Let's just say I "have some concerns" about how this is all going to play out. I have told myself all day long that worry will not change anything. Prayer can change  it though!

I watched the inauguration yesterday. Actually I had it on live feed from Fox News on the big screen in the computer lab so the 2nd grade class I had at that time watched it too. For all the pomp and circumstance it sure didn't last very long. President Obama said his oath in 23 seconds. All that money for 23 seconds of coverage. The walking in of all the former presidents took an hour. :) I hope the kids all remember the ceremony. With every president that is sworn in, it is a day of history!

I finished the last Baxter family book in The Sunrise Series.  I finished book 2 on Monday morning. I haven't cried that hard reading a book in a long time. I have read all 14 Karen Kingsbury books that are about the Baxter's. They truly seem like real people the way she writes about  their lives. Now I need to reread parts of The Shack and review my notes to get ready for book club next week. 

I found directions for a T-shirt quilt. Evan has many, many t-shirts from soccer, cheerleading, key club, etc. that she wants made in to a quilt. I think we might be able to do this together. I don't sew, but I can read directions so maybe we can pull it off. I'll keep you posted!

DeWayne replaced the hard drive in my G5 computer. It had crashed before Christmas. I lost all the music I had downloaded (to this computer) and I lost a few pictures. I had backed up most of them on my external hard drive early in the fall. The pictures I did lose, maybe I won't miss! I'm just glad to have 2 working computers again. DeWayne and I were starting to overlap using the laptop. (We don't share well. Ha!!)

I'm still caught up on reading through the Bible. In the past it seems I have not made reading a priority and I have fallen behind very quickly. Not this time. I am excited about reading! Of course, I'm still in Genesis and those wonderful stories. I haven't hit the "begats" yet. :P

Time to quit for tonight. More tomorrow -

Sunday, January 18, 2009

It's Sunday again.

It seems like every Sunday I reflect on the day at church. I guess that's alright. Jeff has been talking about righteousness and this week he started talking about justice with that. He is using the scripture Psalm 89:14 "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; faithful love and truth go before You." He's encouraging us to read The Word and live by The Word this year. I had already made the commitment to read through the Bible this year so I feel like my commitment has been confirmed. (If you are looking for a place online to read the Bible this is a great site:  The Bible tells me how to live in righteousness and holiness and how God's justice will work; but there are passages and stories that sometimes don't make sense in how some disobedient people were dealt with. The prodigal son - did he receive justice from his dad; no he received mercy. What about the parable of the vineyard workers who were all paid the same amount and didn't work the same amount of hours. Did the ones who worked the longest get justice? These are those questions that make me see that my human nature makes me want to be apathetic and wait until the last minute to do good or to walk right. I think to myself that I have all the time in the world to be obedient to Christ and the Word. You know - I'll pray more - tomorrow. I'll read my Bible more - tomorrow. I'll help the poor more - tomorrow. I'll serve more - tomorrow. I'll be the best Christian ever - tomorrow. I've pondered this question before and I still don't have all the answers. I really don't expect to have the answers until Heaven. I'm very thankful that mercy is a part of the total equation too. Some of the other points that Jeff brought out this morning were that justice sets boundaries of what God tells us to be obedient to and when there's been willful disobedience I will receive the justice of that disobedience. That's a huge problem in our society. We want no consequences for our disobedient actions; but we will all stand in judgement before God and He is a just God. So since this judgement is coming I need to choose to adhere to the Word of the Lord. I'm excited about this. I want to share this so that others will see and be excited too. One other thing - Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, "Lord, Lord!" will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of My Father in heaven." I get really caught in "knowing the will of God". Well, this morning while Jeff was preaching, I realized that God's will is obedience to whatever His Word says and whatever He tells or leads me to do. Enough said!

I started book 2 of the Karen Kingsbury Sunrise Series. I only have 2 more then I think I am finished reading about the Baxter family for awhile. It's like they are real!!! It's that mind chewing gum. I don't have to think too much when I read these books. It's just for pleasure.

Dane and Evan have both been home this weekend. The three of us went to Marion and Carbondale yesterday. Gap is having a great sale on their clearance!!! We had a good time. I like hanging out with my kids now that they are adults. Then all four of us went to Peking Palace to eat an early supper last night. Good times! Dane's getting ready to head back to Cape Girardeau for his work week and Evan will go back to school tomorrow. So it will be just me and DeWayne again! I like hanging out with him too. :)

I Skyped my mom yesterday. It was good to see her face. She was talking about going to the Flea Market and getting fresh fruits and vegetables. Hope she brings some back in March!

I better wrap this up, it's getting long and I might want to say something tomorrow!

Friday, January 16, 2009


It's finally Friday. Yeah!!! I say that like this has been a long week, but really this week has flown by. Today went by very fast. I feel like I didn't get anything accomplished. I sat through the inservice for our teachers this morning and then helped them figure out how to set up their equipment this afternoon. So needless to say I have no lesson plans for next week. I didn't get any of my own work done. Oh well, there's always Tuesday! It will still be there when I go back next week. 

My book group friends are finishing up The Shack. They are feeling like I did as I was reading it - "This is a very deep book that requires much thought!" I can't wait to sit down with my friends on the 29th and discuss it. We may be at Julie's all night. :D I think I am going to read back through a few of the chapters. I want to remember many things and I sometimes file things away in my brain and they get lost. Ha!!

Evan will be home in a little while and Dane is already home. What kind of fun can we get in to tonight? I wonder?!?

I'm really hoping it warms up enough to snow this weekend. I'm ready for some of the white stuff!

Maybe I'll bake some M&M cookies tomorrow. Dane really likes them. Evan likes them too (if I take the M&M's out - Don't ask). I like them too but if the guys are here maybe I won't eat so many. Looks like I have a task for tomorrow. I like to bake and try new recipes. It's just hard to do while I'm losing weight. I feel bad if I bake something and it goes to waste because I haven't eaten it. I can always send stuff to work with DeWayne. Those guys will eat anything! 

I don't have any profound thoughts tonight. Just tired ramblings. 
Maybe tomorrow...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

This has been a quick week. Tomorrow is already Friday and not only that; the month is already half over. Unbelievable. Christmas seems like a really long time ago instead of just 3 weeks! 

In just a few short days we will have our 44th president. We will be adding a new chapter to the history of our nation. My prayer is that we will return to be a nation of having God (the one and only true and living God) as our Lord. We are commanded in the Bible to pray for the leaders of our nation. So, I am making a resolution to pray every day for Mr. Obama as our president; for the leadership of our state and our governor; and for the leadership of our county. There will be no change until it starts with me and my choice to lift them up to God. I also pray that the people of our nation will realize the blessing we have lived under for over 200 years is because our country was founded on Biblical principles. We must not turn our back on them now!

Tomorrow at school we have an inservice to learn how to use the Document Cameras that our school district has bought. Only 8 teachers at West Side are getting one this time. Maybe in the next few years every teacher will get one. I'm excited about this new technology that is coming into our building. Overhead projectors will be a relic of the past. 

Evan will be home this weekend because she has a 3 day weekend just like me. I haven't seen her since last week. I'm starting to miss her. Dane will also be home tomorrow night. So we will all be home together this weekend. Yeah! We may have to play a few card games!

My mom sent me pictures of where they are staying in Florida. Very nice! It looks like they are having a great time with their friends. With it being 0 outside, I am a little jealous of the sunshine and 70 degree weather. I am not ready for spring yet, though.  I want a little winter weather. I really want snow, not frigid! :-)

Yesterday was my one year anniversary at Curves. I have worked out 195 times since I started. That really is a lot of days. I have lost many inches and much weight. I feel SO much better.  I am thankful that God led me to that place. So I'll just keep working out, eating better, and praying that God will give me strength to continue to lose weight. 

More later...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's up?

I just read Evan's new blog post for this week. What a good girl I have! It made my heart soar! 

Sometimes I wonder if I am too connected. I have a Facebook page. I have a Blogspot. I have a wikispace, a protopage website, and a iGoogle homepage. Plus, I have 4 email accounts that I check. I have a laptop, desktop and iPod touch at home plus another desktop computer at school. So I have much technology at my fingertips at all times. The other day at school I had my laptop sitting on my desk beside my desktop computer and was using my iPod touch. Is there something wrong with that picture? :D If you had told me 10 years ago that I would have been this connected to technology I would have laughed in your face. (Of course, it was 1999 then and we had only had a computer in our home for a few years.) It excites me to find new things and to use new technology.  I love the way techno/gadgets work! This is why my husband and my kids call me a geek now. Oh well, I will wear that title proudly!

It tried to snow this morning. You could sure tell at school. When the weather changes, so do the children and sometimes not for the better. They usually get really squirrelly! It is supposed to be very cold the rest of the week. I like snow but I am not really sure I like below 0 temperatures. BRRRRR

I am trying to get back in the exercise routine. I exercised everyday last week at Curves and I have hit yesterday and today this week. I like the routine and I like that my body feels better. I'm thankful that God led me to Curves to work out.

Well, until next time:
Life's too short to think you have to always have an answer.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Great Day

What a wonderful morning at church! I arrived there at 7:45 am to start breakfast. YUM! Then at 9, my friend Brigette and I went to greet since it's our assigned day to greet. I love greeting. I get to see all the people that I might not see from where I sit in church. (There are about 1000 people at LCC every Sunday, so I don't always see everyone. DUH!) After greeting, I arrived in the service as worship was beginning. All I can say is WOW! Worship was wonderful. (OK that's 3, 3 letter words all in caps. I'll stop!) Jeff spoke about righteousness. Very fitting and very timely. I truly think that people miss the whole "Christian life" boat because they think that once they say a little prayer that their life is still their own to live as they want. Galatians 2:20 - "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the Body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." I'm excited about reading through the Bible this year and drawing closer to God. The messages and the other readings I am doing all mesh together. Of course, that's the Holy Spirit. 

My mom and dad arrived in Florida yesterday. I've already had an email that says they are staying longer. Sunshine and fresh fruit was all it took! 

I should probably clarify for you all that REALLY know me. When I refer to my dad, I am talking about my mom's husband, Jim. My real dad passed away in 1993 and before that my parents divorced in 1984. So Jim is the only dad I have right now. Even my grandma (who is my real dad's mother) refers to him as my dad. I know, very confusing. But, we are an American Family. :D Many people who don't know our family tell me how much I look like Jim. So I usually don't correct them. Jim is a wonderful dad and he's a good husband to my mom. I am thankful that God put our family together the way He did! He also gave me two brothers. I had a pretty good friend tell me once that there are no steps and no halves - only brothers and sisters, moms and dads. (She comes from a family of many marriages and children.) I take that as very good advice and pass it on when I can.

I finished The Shack last night. I read the last 50 pages without putting it down. I really liked it. I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a book that makes you think. I will probably go back over a few parts. Maybe skim a few of the middle chapters. The issue of forgiveness really struck a chord with me. I truly love God and want a relationship with Him. I don't want to miss Him when He shows up and I don't want to miss when He works! I also have to remember that God is not limited; He is limitless!

I'm hoping that it snows this week. I am ready to see some beautiful weather! (I threw this in just in case you thought I had stopped being random!)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

What am I going to do today?

Well, it's Saturday and I am wondering what I am going to do today. It's not like I don't and haven't made a long list of things to do. I can clean my bedroom and bathroom; I can start painting Dane's bathroom; I can bake something yummy; or I can lay on the couch and read my book. I've already started the first load of laundry. Dane got home last night and as always he brought me the gift of a huge bag of laundry. (I really don't mind to do laundry. Of all the chores it's probably one of my favorites; like the dishes.) So I have about 12 loads of laundry to do. Not bad since Evan is not here. :)

It was a very good week. I worked out every day. (My body was a little soar and tired last night.) I saw every one of my computer classes this week but one Pre-K class. So almost all of their smiling faces were there and ready to learn something new. We talked about Christmas gifts, snow, snowmen and the keyboard. Even the Pre-K children were very attentive. Sometimes it's a challenge to work a fun activity in to the program we need to use for the day to learn a new skill. Sometimes I feel like I am teaching the test we give in April to test their skills. This week we need to talk about Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday and Barrack Obama's inauguration and work that into a typing lesson. So I must think about that too this weekend. I just wish that we had longer than 30 minutes a class session with the 2nd graders. We spend a lot of time opening and closing and sometimes not a lot in between!!! May be someday I will be in my own room!

Enough about work!!!

My mom and dad have gone to Florida for 7 or 8 weeks. Wow, I wish I was old! :D (No offense mom!) I am so happy for them really. They both have worked so hard their whole lives and are in need of some time that nothing is required of them. So...have fun, enjoy Florida, see the sights, and rest!!! 

Evan went back to school this week. I promised her I wouldn't call her too often. I miss her mostly because I can ask her silly questions like: "Do these shoes go with this outfit? Do I look ok?" And she gives an honest answer. :D

I only have 40 more pages in The Shack. Our book group is meeting on the 29th. I have been taking notes on the passages I want to remember. I can only read about a chapter and a half at a time, then my brain seems to shut down so it can process. I like it though. I am excited about book group. These are my zany friends. Lisa, Brigette, Darla, Julie, Jeri Lyn, Terah, & Kari We will probably get so sidetracked by Darla's craziness that we won't get too much of the book discussed! :)

This is getting long,  so I had better save something for tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Just another Tuesday

Well, maybe not just an ordinary Tuesday. Or maybe just a good Tuesday. Last night we not only played Outburst, but we played a card game called Golf. Angela is very competitive. As we played cards we watched the Bachelor. Even DeWayne had an opinion about who the guy should pick. We feel like we "know" this bachelor because he was the loser last season. Poor guy! Oh well, it's a mindless way to spend a Monday. Tonight I can't wait to watch the Biggest Loser. I love this show. I cheer for those people as they weigh. They work so hard and Jillian is always yelling at them. Is that fun? But weight loss is never fun. Wait, I've had fun losing weight this year and no one was yelling at me. Actually everyone I know was cheering for me!  :D

I'm reading through the Bible this year. I haven't done this in awhile. My friend Terah gave me a calendar with the Bible broken down in 4 reading segments a day. Pretty easy since I already read one Psalm and one Proverb everyday. I just add the Old and New Testament segments and I'm done. So far I have kept up. I am praying that I don't fall behind. I really want to draw closer to God this year and I really think that spending time in His Word will accomplish this.  

All my friends have come back to Curves! Some of them took a few months off. So now, since Christmas is over they think they REALLY need to lose weight and get into shape. So, they're back! Mary, Tonya, Kim A., Kim D., Staci, and Beth. We are really loud and it doesn't seem like a workout when you are laughing so very hard! I am so thankful that God has provided us a place to workout that is clean, fun and accessible.

We were looking at some countdowns today at school. 40 more days until Valentine's Day. 87 days until Spring Break.  25 more days until the Dairy Queen opens for the season! And when I blink it will be Thanksgiving again! Oh well, time truly marches on!

I'm still reading The Shack. I am reading it slow and taking notes when I want to remember something that I read. It really is a good book. I am looking forward to book group so I can hear what the others think. If you have read it leave me a message!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Work

First day back to work! Yeah!!! I really like my job. I really, really like my job. It's like getting to work, make money and eat cake. I like the people I work with and for. I like the kids (all 625 of them). I like being able to explore and find out new things about the computer. I am just spoiled about having 2 full weeks off and was ready to stay home again today. I think some of this has to do with DeWayne was home an Evan was home and I just wanted to hang out with them one more day. Oh well. It was nice to be back in the routine and not have any graze-time. Ha!!! I also went back to Curves. I have only exercised 3 times during the 2 weeks off. So needless to say I needed to get back in a routine! So, welcome 5:30 a.m. and a routine.

It's game night so I have to go play Outburst with Evan, Angela, Jackie, and DeWayne.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Getting ready for Monday...

Only two more days and I go back to work! Where did the two weeks go? I was supposed to paint Dane's bathroom. I was supposed to work on school stuff. I was supposed to clean my computers at school. I guess I wasn't really "Supposed" to do anything. I read a lot. I hung out with Evan. I got to go to St. Louis. I moved Dane into his new little home. I visited with my family. I laughed a lot. I think those are the things that a vacation is truly supposed to be. I was just going to try to put a little work in there too. I can clean my computers at school when I get back. I can paint Dane's bathroom on a Saturday. I will get my school work finished at school. So there, it's all solved! :D

We are meeting my family at Mackie's for pizza at noon today. It's my Aunt Jackie's 80th birthday. My sister, my mom, and my cousins will all be there. More laughing is sure to come!!! 

I read Genesis 39 today about Joseph and how he was sold into slavery in Egypt. His work ethic is such an example to me. He was a slave. He could have been bitter because his brothers sold him into slavery. He could have only done the minimum required of a slave. Instead he worked so hard and so diligently that he gained the respect and the favor of his master. (Until the wife stepped in!) And then, even in prison, when he was in a dark, gloomy jail, he worked hard. He again earned the respect and favor of his jailer. He was a consistent man of God. "I need to seek consistency between who I say I am and how I actually live. I need to root my life completely in the character of God." (INDEED) (These last two sentences were from my devotional. I just personalized them in first person; but they truly speak what my heart wants to say!) Too many times in today's society Christians are seen as slackers, whiners, and excuse makers. I want to be able to say I'm a Christian and not feel ashamed because of how someone else acts or how I have acted in the past. (Much repentance in the quiet time this morning let me tell you!!!) I want my work ethic to reflect that of Joseph. Wherever I am placed at that particular time is all right with me. I will work at my job as I am working not just for man but for God! And somehow I want to instill this in my children. I so want them to have that deeper personal relationship with Jesus. I want them to have the character of God always flowing out of them. And you know what? THEY DO!!! God is so amazingly GOOD!

My living room is back to normal. DeWayne, Evan and I got to work yesterday morning and down it came! I love when the Christmas tree is lit and the nativity is set up, but after Christmas it's just depressing to see it sitting there all dark and empty. :( 
I'm glad it's put up until next year! 

Gotta go get ready for pizza!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New day, new year

I didn't quite make it until midnight last night. I watched the ball drop in Times Square and turned out the lights. What an old person I've become! I like sleep better that being tired. It's a day of getting out new calendars, fresh school supplies, new ink pens, new pencils, a new notebook. All the stuff I really like. (I'm kind of a school supply freak.:D) Filling in the dates on a new calendar is really fun to me. To see what we have planned and looking at the days and wondering what will be on the other days. (I better stop now, I'm really rambling.)

After my quiet time this morning I came away with two points God led me to.
1. I want to be a positive, powerful influence in the way I speak into people's lives. One negative statement can undo many, many positive ones. Guard my tongue. Only let the good be in abundance.
2. "To worship God is to realize the purpose for which God created us." -Herbert Carson
I must ask myself everyday- Is my worship more that skin deep? God wants my worship to come from deep within. I must worship Him in spirit and in truth.

I read the Karen Kingsbury "Firstborn" Series. I started the first book last Friday and finished the last one yesterday. So, I read 5 books in 5 days. Unbelievable. Now on to the "S" series. I hope they are in the library Sunday!!!

My mini-vacation to St. Louis with DeWayne was fabulous. He booked us a room at the Renaissance Hotel Downtown. A very pretty place! Sunday evening he had bought us tickets to see the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra. What a surprise! It was very cool. They showed the Wizard of Oz on a big screen and the orchestra played the score for the movie and even the accompaniment to the singing. I REALLY enjoyed myself. Monday we went to the St. Louis History Museum in Forest Park. I learned some very interesting things about the 1904 World's Fair. For lunch, we went to "The Hill". On the recommendation of my sister, we ate at Zia's. Good choice! We had dessert from one of the many bakeries. Very Good!!! My husband outdid himself with the arrangements and the choices of activities! I had a great time.

Oh, and I still haven't put my Christmas tree away. Maybe tomorrow.
