Sunday, October 25, 2009

I stand amazed at the beautiful colors of the leaves. Every year, I think they have never been prettier. Today as I was driving I couldn't get over the richness of the color. This has been the best weekend for color so far. The maple trees have really popped. Maple trees have all the colors - red, yellow, orange and brown. Some of the trees have all the colors. God is amazing! How can I not worship Him every time I look around. How can I not worship His magnificent creation! Thank you God! I don't want to miss a minute of worshiping You!
I am still babying my ankle. Yesterday I thought I could go a whole day without my "boot". Boy was I wrong. After grocery shopping (Walmart, Kroger, and Aldi) and putting up all the groceries. Then on to Addie's wedding; I was very ready to put my "boot" back on and leave it on. It's not as swollen it just hurts. Not when I put pressure on it but when I touch it or move it the wrong way. I go back to the doctor on Tuesday. We'll see what they say about it then.
Evan was home Friday night late and yesterday for the wedding. She went back yesterday evening. She and DeWayne carved her pumpkin before she went back to Evansville. I haven't had a Jack-O-Lantern at my house in a really long time. It is really cute. She probably won't be home for awhile. She got a job at Steak and Shake. She will probably have to work on the weekends. I need to go over there and get the rest of the stuff I for the rehearsal dinner and the groom's table. That's ok. I can spend time with her.
The wedding Evan came home to attend was our friend Addie Gulley. She is a year older than Evan. Her wedding was very simple and it was outdoors and at the Gulley Farm. It was such a beautiful day and the wedding was so pretty. They had hay bales set up in their front yard and the aisle runner was burlap. (To the wedding people on TV it would probably be classified as redneck but I thought it was lovely) The arch was made of grapevines and had small roses twined in it. The reception was a very simple buffet. The drinks were in a watering trough. And their was no cutting of the cake. They served chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. I will keep saying it; it was wonderful! I think Addie and Jake were of the right mind. They spent more time on the details of their marriage and let the wedding be simple! I wish I had known that when I was 19 and getting married!
It is the last week of October. How does time seem to fly by? Where do the days go? I have nothing to show for this month. (Well, maybe I do. LOL)

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