Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I forgot to post from a month ago (practically) that I finished Pride and Prejudice. It was really good and it really was very similar to the movie. I was pleased that they were so close! It's hard to read but I would recommend it to others!
Today was better that awesome!
I led the iPhoto inservice after school. There were about 10 teachers there. I didn't take a count. I started with the basics of downloading pictures from your camera and importing from a disc. Then I went through some of the more advance features. Events, Faces, Places, etc. I even added in a little of the editing tools. I know that they needed a handout but I didn't have one. That's the only thing that kept it from being perfect. :D
I will probably do iMovie and iDVD next. Maybe I will get to iWeb before the end of the year!
Evan got all moved in to here room Sunday. The school remodeled her dorm this summer and now the rooms have less storage. She knew that lofting her bed would be an option and thought she would not want to do that but after getting there and seeing how much room it gave her. She decided to loft her bed. It's really high and she has to climb up to get in. So far she is ok with it but she's only been there 2 nights! Her room mate is from Uganda. Her name is Yvonne. How funny is that Evan and Yvonne. Anyway, she hasn't shown up yet and classes start tomorrow.
I'm working on my birthday calendar for school. I make and sell a birthday calendar to raise money for the computer lab. They seem to be selling pretty well. I just now have to finish entering all the birthdays and other information, run them off, and assemble them. I will be handing them out next Tuesday! I've got to stay late and type, type type!
I start with real computer lessons tomorrow. We've just been reviewing the rules and getting our seating chart fixed. Tomorrow I have to "know " what I'm doing!!! This is the beginning of my 5th year. I hope I have it by now!!!!

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