Monday, July 13, 2009


Everything here in my home right now is consumed with wedding plans. Where and when are taken care of: Little Chapel November 28, 2009. The rest is what we all talk about. Music, attendants, dresses, tuxes, colors, decorations, where for the reception, cake, food, etc.etc.etc.... It just goes on and on. It's all very exciting.
Last week I cooked at Jr. High Camp. We had about 74 campers. They were awesome. I had the best time. Cooking is exhausting work but there is reward! This week is Jr. Camp. They have over 130 campers. Unbelievable! I might have to sneek down there this week and help!
Friday Evan and I went with Jean, my other daughter to be and shopped for wedding dresses. Very fun and very tiring. I can honestly say they did not all start looking alike. Each one had its own selling point and each one had its bad points. Jean did decide on bridesmaids dresses and Evan tried hers on and it's ordered. Yay!!! Jean and Dane chose persimmon for the color to go with black and ivory. Very pretty.
I'm trying desperately to catch up on sleep and laundry! The laundry is all put away but I still feel like I could sleep everyday until noon!
Book group is coming up in a couple of weeks. I need to finish my book and study the chapter I will be talking about. It is a really hard book to read. It's my turn to choose and I'm choosing something EASY and FUN!

