Thursday, December 18, 2008

Just another day.

Well, good news and bad news. Our school system thinks that blogspot must be evil because it's blocked from our district's server. This is good news because we have a very strong filter to keep junk away from our children and bad news because I can't blog at work. Wait, that's not what I get paid to do anyway. So I guess it's all good news. I must work at my job like I am working for God. 

I woke up thinking, "What can I say today that will make a difference in the world?" Then I just thought about all the useless stuff that floats around in my brain and wondered what I could bless you all with today. :D 

I use a devotional called InDeed published by Walk thru the Bible. I really like it because it has a Scripture, then a story and then how it applies to my life. I tend to write down quotes from these devotionals. I have a whole book that I am devoting to writing down the quotes from this, Scripture that speaks to my heart, and random quotes that also speak to me. Maybe I will share some of this book here. I really like it when the Holy Spirit leads my quiet time and everything speaks directly to what I need to hear for the day. It still takes my breath away when that happens. It would probably happen more often if I slowed down ALOT.

I really like my job at the school. We have a saying for this week though: "Tis the season to wish you worked somewhere else!" Small children just cannot stay focused one week before Santa is to come. Excitement is running really high. Parties are tomorrow. Lots of sugar!!! Maybe they will share with me. 

If you have small children is a great site for games. It is also great for big people too. If you are looking for a Christmas recipe, there are hundreds listed there. 

Tomorrow, I am going to finish my Christmas shopping. No excuses!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! This blessed me...they are so fortunate to have you in the building, so I'm very thankful you have the job you do! Don't eat too much sugar...

