Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yeah!!! Dane got home last night. He will be home until tomorrow night. He has to work on Friday and maybe Saturday. But he's home and he's safe. God is so wonderfully good!

I have an annual checkup on Tuesday next week and had to have blood work done. So, I got up early this morning and went to the Harrisburg Hospital to have my lab work done. Very smart move. It took longer to fill out my insurance information than to have the blood drawn. I was there and back in less than an hour. Very nice!!! (and very unusual for the medical profession):D

It's Christmas Eve. Wow, the year has really flown by. I have to fix cookies for tonight. We eat at DeWayne's grandpa's house and open gifts there. Let's just say there are too many people to fit in a 12 x 60 trailer comfortably! "Nuf, said!" I will put on my happy face!!!

Well, if you don't like the weather, stick around it's sure to change tomorrow. I can't believe that it is 55 degrees outside. Yesterday morning there was a layer of ice on everything! Oh, well. The radio announcer this morning said the radar looked like someone had spilled a Slurpy on it. I agree. It's all green and pink and yellow. Very Pretty! :-)

I read about half of my book yesterday (The Shack). I started writing down sentences and the page number so I could talk about them later. I'm liking it pretty well. Let's just say though that if it gets any deeper I will have to reread several parts. It requires me to think. Most of the books I've read lately don't make me think too much. You know, mind candy or maybe mind chewing gum. (It takes no thought to chew gum!)

Well, enough randomness for today. I really must get to baking those cookies. 

So for today remember:
Life if too short to laugh alone.

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