Saturday, December 20, 2008

Twas the Saturday before Christmas

Well, I got my major shopping finished Friday evening with the help of DeWayne and Evan. DeWayne loves to shop. :D He spends a lot of time waiting for Evan and I in the mall. He doesn't seem to mind though. The only thing left to buy are those little stocking stuffer gifts that seem to add up to more than I spend on the entire Christmas!!! How come little things cost so much? Anyone have an answer?

While shopping, Dane called and his crew has been called out to ice storm damage restoration and repair in the Peoria, IL area. So we will see if he makes it home for Christmas. We may be opening gifts with our immediate family on New Year's Day. It's his first storm damage call. He was nervous and excited at the same time. Looking at the weather for the Peoria area he may wish he was working a hurricane damage area instead. The high for tomorrow is to only be 9 degrees. BRRRRRR!!!! 

I went to Barnes & Noble last night. (No big surprise seeing how much I like to read and LOVE books) I found the best book. It is 1001 Things You Didn't Know You Wanted to Know.  Guess who's going to get to find out all kinds of useless knowledge? You guessed it...You all!!!!
Such as:
Can you name all five of the Huxtable children from the Cosby Show?
(I'll tell you the answer tomorrow)

I am officially on vacation. Yesterday was not as bad as I had predicted. I think I ate way too much chocolate but other than that the children were pretty good. Parties, Parties, Parties!!! I got some very cute things from the children and their parents. I appreciate them so much. I'm glad that God has put me in this place for this time. Maybe, just maybe I can be a bright light to a child. Maybe that love and compassion that God pours out on me can be turned around and poured back on all those little people I work with. (maybe even some of the adults too)

I have let several ideas float around my head and I think I will just go with whatever seems to work each time I write. That's why it is random. I like movies. I like to read. I like to take pictures. I like to just be on the computer-surfing, chatting, Facebook etc. So as I said on the first post, I will probably not ever stay focused but it will never be dull!

I'm off to enjoy the rest of my day with DeWayne and Evan!


  1. Congrats on getting the shopping this a new record for how close you cut to Christmas? I thought you were an early shopper! When we left Morris this morning, they were predicting 8 degrees for tomorrow! They are just a smidge north of Peoria, and east. I think it'll be great for to keep it random! It's more you!

  2. Thanks, I think! I will probably be at Wal mart Christmas Eve buying that stocking stuff though. :)

