Friday, January 23, 2009

It's the weekend!!! Yeah! I have felt so bad with this cold all week all I want to do is go to bed and sleep. The coughing has started just like I predicted. YUCK! Maybe it will go away fast.

It's the season of inservices in my school district. Yesterday we had an inservice on Podcasting. All I can say is "Wow!" It was the most informative inservice I have attended in awhile. An Apple representative presented. I now have more techie knowledge flowing through my  brain. The media teacher and I are going to do a mini-inservice for our teachers in our building in a week. I can't wait to share. The kids are going to love doing this. Podcasting is really not that hard. It just takes a little planning. With Mac computers; Garage Band is already built in, and  iPhoto is already built in. So all you have to do is put it together. Very cool!!! I'll let you know how it all turns out!

I read some really good stuff in my devotional InDeed this week. On the 19th - "God wants me to love because He is love. He wants me to be pure because He is pure. He wants me to forgive because He has forgiven. He wants me to give because He has given. Everything I do should be done with one question in mind: Does this look like my Father?" 
Ephesians 5:1-2 "Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God"
And today - "When God calls, do I say 'Here I am'? Probably so. But here's a deeper question: How do I say it? Let my response flow from a loving, reverential faith in my Provider. Trust Him. His loving command is an invitation to love Him in return."
And this quote - "Love of God and obedience to God are so completely involved in each other that either one of them implies the other too." F.F. Bruce   

It's been spring-like yesterday and today. DeWayne actually went bouldering yesterday. He's itching to go climbing. He's going to have to find a new climbing partner for the Spring. Drake is in Colorado. Lee's in Colorado. Dane is gone all week. Evan is gone to school. Chris is in school. He's going to have to start teaching a new friend to climb! He's been trying to convince me I need to start rock climbing. I don't think so. Maybe I will learn to belay but not climb. I like taking pictures. :D

I started another book - The Year of Living Biblically. What a humorous book. I've only read about 50 pages but it is already very good. It's about a guy who decides to live out the Bible laws literally. So he's not shaving and he's trying very hard to adhere to the Old Testament  and New Testament laws or commands. His efforts for the year are recorded in this book. I'm in month number 2. So far I would recommend it as a good read. I will keep you posted about this book too. :)

Now I'm ready to relax for the rest of the evening!


  1. Great points...I saw that 'Year of Living Biblically' in the book store over Christmas, I think we discussed it briefly at moms...of course, that whole day was brief.
    Keep writing...
    Feel better.
    I think you should consider climbing...I'm sure that there's technology to address the camera issue!

  2. This book is very funny. I want to read it and find out if he gets to Jesus or not! I'll share when I am finished!

